The Erotic Connection: Keys to Lifelong Passion in Relationships (And They’re Not What You May Think They Are)

Years ago, I was set to teach a women’s workshop entitled, “Unraveling the Pleasure Paradox & Embracing Erotic Energy.” To my surprise, only one person registered. After cancelling the event due to low numbers, I consulted with trusted colleagues who told me the title was wrong. The word “erotic” was too “scary” for modest Minnesotans, [...]

By |2025-01-21T18:32:01-06:00January 21, 2025|Intimacy, Relationships|

Unraveling the Mystery of Pleasure

What brings you pleasure? Think about something that gives you pleasure. Most people can list the foods they love to eat (that is, foods that give them pleasure). Others will list out a range of pleasurable physical experiences (ie. exercise, being outdoors, dancing). Still, others will list social experiences as pleasurable (being with the grandkids, [...]

By |2024-12-18T12:41:26-06:00December 18, 2024|Intimacy, Relationships|

Simple Ways to Free Yourself from Fear of Rejection and Abandonment in Relationships

From all appearances, Cheryl and Sam* are in love. They thoroughly enjoy their time together, are affectionate and are a delight to be around. Recently, their relationship has become serious. They aren’t dating anyone else and there’s been talk of marriage. But during the “betwixt and betweens” of their relationship, when they aren’t spending [...]

By |2024-11-11T17:51:08-06:00August 19, 2024|Intimacy, Relationships|

Understanding “Modern” Tantra and Its Connection to Sexual Unity

Imagine you and your partner possess a secret that vastly improves how you intimately engage with one another; something that helps you feel close; something that helps you get into the mood; something that helps you let go of your problems and concerns and enjoy each other. That is what my secret sauce is [...]

By |2024-11-11T17:50:45-06:00July 23, 2024|Intimacy, Relationships|
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